Tuesday, September 14, 2021

x. [Spoiler Alert] End of Shadowbringer

Hallo everyone, over the summer, I finally finished the last part of MSQ. I'm going to say, the ending of this expansion definitely got me hyped for Endwalker. It wasn't as emotional as ARR's ending, but I really cannot wait to see and explore new things soon. At the same time, I'm not sure what to expect for Endwalker storyline because our "favourite" antagonist will be there, so I'm actually setting my bar low. 

I will have to say I have been enjoying the cutscenes lately. There were multiple hilarious moments, and the characters felt more real when they could joke around or they were more expressive. Moments like where Alphinaud told Master Matoya that Yshtola took on that name in the First World or when Estinien accidentally mistook Alisae as Alphinaud. This scene too also cracked me up because Aymeric was genuinely confused when one of the beastmen started screaming and asking "I beg your pardon?" and it was just a hyped war cry.

I also love moments like these where they bring back past events from previous expansions. (┬┬_┬┬)This was one of Alphinaud's dream way back in ARR when he started Crystal Braves.

The RPing part of the MSQ was pretty cool, but it was also super long. I did enjoy seeing multiple perspectives during this fight, and not gonna lie, I also want a BLM/WHM class. G'raha Tia was cheating.

Then the wrap up cutscenes ... ಠ_ಠ why do they keep putting Hien with Aymeric? I do not understand.

I love this shot actually. It's so beautiful! I'm so glad Estinien joined us, I can't wait till he puts his hair in a ponytail LOL

Anyway, Shadowbringer was a pretty solid expansion. I still place Heavensward first, then Shadowbringer. I fully enjoyed watching Alisae and Alphinaud growing up, especially Alphinaud. He had a massive character growth and I will never understand how others can still hate him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I also thought Thancred had a really strong character growth in this expansion and how he's finally dealing with his grief for Minfilia's death. 

I, however, do think G'raha Tia should've died at the end of the Warrior of Light fight. There were so many red flags for him prior to him transporting everyone back to their original bodies/the Source. He was always running out of time and the story was almost setting up a very bittersweet departure between you and him. Then...just literally the next scene after G'raha gets completely crystalized, he's like "LMAO I'M HERE IN THE SOURCE, NOW I CAN TRAVEL WITH THE WoL OwO"

The Weapon trial storyline was incredibly well-written though. I was so impressed by the storytelling and I literally sat through every cutscene. The story was indeed super sad and tragic, but I really enjoyed learning about Gaius and his past. The ending of Diamond Weapon was incredibly depressing, but it wasn't the cheap shot writing at all, it was a situation that was more or less unavoidable. Personally, I find stories like this way more memorable because there's just way too many emotions going through and I enjoy rollercoaster rides like that (ಥ‿ಥ)

Anyway, that's it for now, so until next blog post,


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